Waterproofing wax for leather liquid

Алан-э-Дейл       15.01.2025 г.


Nikwax News

21/08/2020 — What type of runner are you?

While we are all taught to think outside the box, sometimes it’s fun to think inside the box. There are obviously a number of different types of runners and people run for different reasons, but let’s say we classify them into 10 specific types, which one are you? Watch out, you might find that you

17/07/2020 — Commuting by bike? Oh Yes!

The Covid period has made us rethink many areas of everyday life, including the daily commute. At Nikwax we love exercise and the great outdoors, so what better way to enjoy these two things than by commuting by bike? Let’s take a closer look at the effects of commuting by bike. Why cycling to work

25/06/2020 — Keep synthetic tents protected from the rain and UV rays

Nikwax’s duo of tent aftercare products are safe for the user and the environment, they are water-based and contain no PFCs or harmful chemicals. Your synthetic tent must be protected from the sun. The ultraviolet (UV) rays can be incredibly damaging and reduce the fabric tear strength, making your tent vulnerable. UV rays, as well

05/06/2020 — Have a magical night’s camping in your garden this summer!

Why not take this opportunity to holiday from home and create a magical camping experience in your very own garden! You can stay safe but have fun at the same time… Spending the night in your trusty tent will definitely feel like you are escaping the confines of your house. It can be a fun-filled

05/06/2020 — Improve reusable masks and face coverings with Nikwax

The global population are being encouraged to wear non-medical masks whilst in public, to reduce covid-19 transmission. People are making their own masks – but some of them may increase the risk of infection, due to their lack of water repellency, and improper cleaning. What types of masks are available? There are two types of

Use Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather when your footwear soaks up water…

Your footwear could be soaking up water just because it is dirty. First, try cleaning it with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel, and if it is fairly new, or recently re-waterproofed, the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) will be revitalised just from cleaning.  But, once the footwear has been thoroughly worn you will need to add DWR by using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

Using the right cleaning product is as important as using the right waterproofing product. Conventional detergents leave behind a thin water-absorbent film on materials, which masks their water repellency. Therefore, always clean your waterproof footwear with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel. Remember that dirt itself works against water repellency, so regular cleaning will enhance performance.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

Regular maintenance of leather helps it work better for longer…

Leather is hardwearing, breathable and provides a high level of support, making it an ideal material for footwear construction. During leather production, tanning agents are added to maintain the structure of leather and prevent microbial growth. If leather becomes wet its breathability will be reduced, leading to wet feet from condensation. Also, when leather absorbs water, tanning agents are lost. Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), stopping leather from absorbing water and ‘wetting out’ while maintaining breathability. It replenishes tanning agents to maintain the support of leather footwear without over-softening. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Easier, Safer, Drier

Nikwax manufactures high quality cleaning and waterproofing products. Nikwax prolongs the life and enhances the performance of clothing, footwear & equipment.

Whether you work or spend your leisure time outside, Nikwax keeps you dry. Nikwax products are EASY to use. The products go exactly where needed; less product is wasted, saving you money. You can treat gear with Nikwax in your washing machine, by hand or by using our spray-on products.

Nikwax products are SAFE to use. No propellant gases, non-toxic, no fluorocarbons, environmentally safe. It’s WaterBased. By using Nikwax you can renew your gear and reduce the impact

Regular maintenance of leather helps it work better for longer…

Leather is hardwearing, breathable and provides a high level of support, making it an ideal material for footwear construction. During leather production, tanning agents are added to maintain the structure of leather and prevent microbial growth. If leather becomes wet its breathability will be reduced, leading to wet feet from condensation. Also, when leather absorbs water, tanning agents are lost. Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), stopping leather from absorbing water and ‘wetting out’ while maintaining breathability. It replenishes tanning agents to maintain the support of leather footwear without over-softening. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Easier, Safer, Drier

Nikwax manufactures high quality cleaning and waterproofing products. Nikwax prolongs the life and enhances the performance of clothing, footwear & equipment.

Whether you work or spend your leisure time outside, Nikwax keeps you dry. Nikwax products are EASY to use. The products go exactly where needed; less product is wasted, saving you money. You can treat gear with Nikwax in your washing machine, by hand or by using our spray-on products.

Nikwax products are SAFE to use. No propellant gases, non-toxic, no fluorocarbons, environmentally safe. It’s WaterBased. By using Nikwax you can renew your gear and reduce the impact

Neuigkeiten von Nikwax

25.06.2020 — Schütze deine Synthetikzelte vor Regen und UV-Strahlen

Die beiden von Nikwax angebotenen Pflegeprodukte für Zelte sind sowohl für den Anwender als auch für die Umwelt unbedenklich. Sie werden auf Wasserbasis hergestellt und enthalten keine PFCs oder schädlichen Chemikalien. Dein Synthetikzelt muss vor der Sonne geschützt werden. Die ultravioletten (UV) Strahlen können außerordentlich zerstörerisch sein und die Reißfestigkeit des Gewebes verringern, wodurch dein

09.04.2020 — Bleib gesund!

Wir alle müssen aufgrund des Coronavirus mit der aktuellen Lage zurechtkommen. Es sind unsichere Zeiten, nichts kann vorhergesagt werden, man macht sich Sorgen, und alle sollten sich an die Vorgaben der Regierung halten. Raus gehen an die frische Luft – ob zum Spaziergang oder zum Sport – ist gerade in diesen Zeiten besonders wichtig. Dabei

06.03.2020 — Wie ihr die Leistungsfähigkeit eurer Softshell-Jacke erhöhen könnt

Es ist sehr wichtig, Outdoor-Bekleidung sauber zu halten und zu imprägnieren, um dafür zu sorgen, dass sie auch weiterhin die nötige Leistung bringt. Wenn ihr dies nicht tut, wird die Kleidung eine schlechte Leistungsfähigkeit haben, und der Stoff wird allmählich immer mehr beeinträchtigt. Die Jacke wird schließlich gar nicht mehr für ihren ursprünglichen Zweck einsetzbar

07.02.2020 — Nikwax Reinigungsgel für Schuhe ist das leistungsstarke Reinigungsmittel, das eure Outdoor-Schuhe benötigen!

Im Winter müssen sich Outdoor-Schuhe bei rauen Bedingungen behaupten, da das feuchtere Wetter die Wander- sowie Laufwege matschig macht, und es zu Staunässe kommt. Dennoch möchtet ihr sicher gerne eure Zeit draußen genießen, vor allem an kalten und sonnigen Wintertagen. Das Gelände kann allerdings eine potentielle Gefahr für eure wasserdichten Schuhe darstellen. Matsch und Verschmutzungen,

11.12.2019 — Pflegen Sie Ihre warme Winterbekleidung mit Nikwax!

Zu dieser Zeit des Jahres holen wir schnell unsere bequeme Winterkleidung heraus, damit wir draußen schön kuschelig warm bleiben. Es ist wichtig, Kleidung aus Wolle gut zu pflegen, damit Sie bei Regen keine bösen Überraschungen erleben. Außerdem möchten Sie sicher, dass Ihre Kleidung Sie immer warm hält, ohne zu warm zu sein, und verhindert, dass

Why support and breathability depend upon water repellency…

The comfort of waterproof footwear is dependent on it supporting feet and being breathable. The structure of leather and therefore the level of support it provides is maintained by tanning agents.

When leather absorbs water, it softens and tanning agents are lost. Subsequently, the leather is stiffer when it dries and therefore prone to splitting. Also, when leather gets wet the breathability of footwear is impaired, giving you damp feet.

Therefore, it’s essential that the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) of your footwear is maintained. Eventually DWR will wear off and need to be renewed with Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Leather is hardwearing, breathable and provides a high level of support, making it an ideal material for footwear construction. During leather production, tanning agents are added to maintain the structure of leather and prevent microbial growth. If leather becomes wet its breathability will be reduced, leading to wet feet from condensation. Also, when leather absorbs water, tanning agents are lost. Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), stopping leather from absorbing water and ‘wetting out’ while maintaining breathability. It replenishes tanning agents to maintain the support of leather footwear without over-softening. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Anyone who is active outside in damp or wet conditions will benefit from breathable waterproof footwear. Whether you’re a mountaineer or dog walker, or you work outside as a farmer or surveyor, you will need good footwear.

Your footwear could be soaking up water just because it is dirty. First, try cleaning it with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel, and if it is fairly new, or recently re-waterproofed, the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) will be revitalised just from cleaning.  But, once the footwear has been thoroughly worn you will need to add DWR by using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

Using the right cleaning product is as important as using the right waterproofing product. Conventional detergents leave behind a thin water-absorbent film on materials, which masks their water repellency. Therefore, always clean your waterproof footwear with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel. Remember that dirt itself works against water repellency, so regular cleaning will enhance performance.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.
To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

Easier, Safer, Drier

Nikwax ist Hersteller von hochwertigen Reinigungs- und Imprägniermitteln. Nikwax verlängert die Lebensdauer und verbessert die Leistungseigenschaften von Bekleidung, Schuhen & Ausrüstung.

Ob in der Arbeit oder während der Freizeit – Nikwax hält Sie trocken. Nikwax-Produkte sind einfach in der Anwendung. Die Imprägnierung gelangt genau dort hin, wo sie benötigt wird. So wird weniger Produkt verschwendet und Geld gespart. Mit Nikwax können Sie Ihre Bekleidung in der Waschmaschine sowie Handwäsche imprägnieren oder eines unserer Pumpsprays verwenden.

Nikwax-Produkte sind sicher in der Anwendung: Ohne Treibgase, ungiftig, ohne Fluorkarbone – absolut umweltsicher. Nikwax wird auf Wasserbasis hergestellt. Mit Nikwax können Sie Ihre Ausrüstung wieder auf Vordermann bringen und gleichzeitig die Umweltauswirkungen reduzieren.

How Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather protects…

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.
To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

Use Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather when your footwear soaks up water…

Your footwear could be soaking up water just because it is dirty. First, try cleaning it with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel, and if it is fairly new, or recently re-waterproofed, the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) will be revitalised just from cleaning.  But, once the footwear has been thoroughly worn you will need to add DWR by using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

Using the right cleaning product is as important as using the right waterproofing product. Conventional detergents leave behind a thin water-absorbent film on materials, which masks their water repellency. Therefore, always clean your waterproof footwear with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel. Remember that dirt itself works against water repellency, so regular cleaning will enhance performance.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.
To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

Breathable footwear needs the right waterproofer to maintain performance…

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

Easier, Safer, Drier

Nikwax manufactures high quality cleaning and waterproofing products. Nikwax prolongs the life and enhances the performance of clothing, footwear & equipment.

Whether you work or spend your leisure time outside, Nikwax keeps you dry. Nikwax products are EASY to use. The products go exactly where needed; less product is wasted, saving you money. You can treat gear with Nikwax in your washing machine, by hand or by using our spray-on products.

Nikwax products are SAFE to use. No propellant gases, non-toxic, no fluorocarbons, environmentally safe. It’s WaterBased. By using Nikwax you can renew your gear and reduce the impact

Nikwax News

21/08/2020 — What type of runner are you?

While we are all taught to think outside the box, sometimes it’s fun to think inside the box. There are obviously a number of different types of runners and people run for different reasons, but let’s say we classify them into 10 specific types, which one are you? Watch out, you might find that you

17/07/2020 — Commuting by bike? Oh Yes!

The Covid period has made us rethink many areas of everyday life, including the daily commute. At Nikwax we love exercise and the great outdoors, so what better way to enjoy these two things than by commuting by bike? Let’s take a closer look at the effects of commuting by bike. Why cycling to work

25/06/2020 — Keep synthetic tents protected from the rain and UV rays

Nikwax’s duo of tent aftercare products are safe for the user and the environment, they are water-based and contain no PFCs or harmful chemicals. Your synthetic tent must be protected from the sun. The ultraviolet (UV) rays can be incredibly damaging and reduce the fabric tear strength, making your tent vulnerable. UV rays, as well

05/06/2020 — Have a magical night’s camping in your garden this summer!

Why not take this opportunity to holiday from home and create a magical camping experience in your very own garden! You can stay safe but have fun at the same time… Spending the night in your trusty tent will definitely feel like you are escaping the confines of your house. It can be a fun-filled

05/06/2020 — Improve reusable masks and face coverings with Nikwax

The global population are being encouraged to wear non-medical masks whilst in public, to reduce covid-19 transmission. People are making their own masks – but some of them may increase the risk of infection, due to their lack of water repellency, and improper cleaning. What types of masks are available? There are two types of

Why support and breathability depend upon water repellency…

The comfort of waterproof footwear is dependent on it supporting feet and being breathable. The structure of leather and therefore the level of support it provides is maintained by tanning agents.

When leather absorbs water, it softens and tanning agents are lost. Subsequently, the leather is stiffer when it dries and therefore prone to splitting. Also, when leather gets wet the breathability of footwear is impaired, giving you damp feet.

Therefore, it’s essential that the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) of your footwear is maintained. Eventually DWR will wear off and need to be renewed with Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Leather is hardwearing, breathable and provides a high level of support, making it an ideal material for footwear construction. During leather production, tanning agents are added to maintain the structure of leather and prevent microbial growth. If leather becomes wet its breathability will be reduced, leading to wet feet from condensation. Also, when leather absorbs water, tanning agents are lost. Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), stopping leather from absorbing water and ‘wetting out’ while maintaining breathability. It replenishes tanning agents to maintain the support of leather footwear without over-softening. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Anyone who is active outside in damp or wet conditions will benefit from breathable waterproof footwear. Whether you’re a mountaineer or dog walker, or you work outside as a farmer or surveyor, you will need good footwear.

Your footwear could be soaking up water just because it is dirty. First, try cleaning it with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel, and if it is fairly new, or recently re-waterproofed, the Durable Water Repellency (DWR) will be revitalised just from cleaning.  But, once the footwear has been thoroughly worn you will need to add DWR by using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather.

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

Using the right cleaning product is as important as using the right waterproofing product. Conventional detergents leave behind a thin water-absorbent film on materials, which masks their water repellency. Therefore, always clean your waterproof footwear with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel. Remember that dirt itself works against water repellency, so regular cleaning will enhance performance.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

How Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather protects…

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a safe product to use on breathable waterproof smooth leather footwear. It provides Durable Water Repellency (DWR), maintains breathability and replenishes tanning agents. Additionally, Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid in black/brown restores colour.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is non-flammable, contains no harmful solvents and is free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fluorocarbons. It has been specifically designed and optimised for smooth leather footwear. The WaterBased formulation is directed to leaks, can be used on wet leather and will not over-soften.

Nikwax takes great care to minimise the effect of Nikwax products on the environment and on you, the consumer. Nikwax waterproofing products are WaterBased, non-aerosol, non-flammable, non-hazardous and environmentally friendly. They contain no harmful solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and are completely free of fluorocarbons (which have been shown to be persistent in the environment and have been associated with serious health issues).

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather is the product of choice of professional Outdoor trainers.To find out more about people who are using Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather, and other Nikwax products, take a look at our testimonials page (coming soon).

Breathable footwear needs the right waterproofer to maintain performance…

Alternative waterproofing products leave behind a surface coating that can inhibit or reduce breathability, leading to wet feet from condensation.

Also, many waterproofing products are solvent-based waxes or aerosols; alternatively, they may be water-based and use fluorocarbons. Aerosol products are flammable. Fluorocarbons pose a potential risk to the environment and to the long-term health of the consumer. Solvent-based products also need to be applied to dry materials.

Nikwax Waterproofing Wax for Leather liquid is a completely non-flammable, safe product that you can apply to wet leather, providing Durable Water Repellency (DWR) while maintaining breathability.

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