Lifestraw personal water filter

Алан-э-Дейл       03.02.2025 г.


Pledge US$ 5,000 or more About US$ 5,000

Give Back Trip to Kenya + Safari

Join the LifeStraw team in Kenya to spend 3 days delivering safe water to school children and then head to 3 days and 2 nights of Safari in the Masai Mara. The trip of a lifetime. Takes place in March 2020 exact dates in consultation with backers. You’ll also get a LifeStraw Home & 1 year of replacements of course.

Backer must be 21 years of age or older at the time of entering. Backer must have a valid passport (not to expire within 6 months of the trip dates) at the time of trip, the ability to obtain all necessary vaccines and documentation, including Visas, required to travel to Kenya by the country of their origin. All fees associated with documentation vaccines needed prior to international travel are the responsibility of the backer. International airfare is not included in the reward. Once in Kenya, LifeStraw will coordinate and cover all costs of transportation, food, beverage, and accommodation. Reward covers 1 person.


  • LifeStraw Home

  • LifeStraw Activated Carbon + Ion Exchange Replacement Filter
  • Give Back and Safari in Kenya!!!
  • 100×
    School child with safe water for a year

Estimated delivery
Apr 2019

Ships to
Only certain countries

Pledge US$ 150 or more About US$ 150

2 LifeStraw Home & 1 Yr of Replacements

MSRP Value: $305.60
Get 2 first production LifeStraw Home water filter pitchers each with 1 year of replacement filters. Also receive 2 Special Edition LifeStraw Go water filter bottles so you can have access to clean water at home, and on your next adventure! This pledge provides 14 children with safe water for an entire school year! You are making an impact!


  • LifeStraw Home
  • 10×
    LifeStraw Activated Carbon + Ion Exchange Replacement Filter

  • Special Edition LifeStraw Go water filter bottle
  • 14×
    School child with safe water for a year

Estimated delivery
Apr 2019

Ships to
Only certain countries

Frequently AskedQuestions

How do I know when it is time to replace my filters or when they have stopped working?

The LifeStraw Activated Carbon and Ion Exchange filter lasts approximately 40 gallons (150 liters). We estimate that it should be replaced every 2 months. This assumes that a household uses approximately 2.5 liters per day or refills the 7-cup filter housing approximately 5 times per day. If you are using the product less, you can adjust your estimate of length of time needed before you must replace the activated carbon and ion exchange filter. Another way to tell if the filter has reached its lifetime capacity is if you can detect that the taste of your water has returned to the original tap taste. This may be more apparent for some people than others. Heavy metals and chemicals rely on prolonged exposure to cause sickness so if your activated carbon and ion exchange filter has a short lapse in timespan, you should not be at immediate risk.
The membrane microfilter lasts 264 gallons (1,000 liters). We estimate that it should be replaced once per year. This filter ends its lifetime when flow rate becomes drastically reduced or completely blocked out of the filter. It will never allow bacteria, parasites or microplastics to filter through it. This is critical as these contaminants can cause immediate sickness unlike most chemicals and heavy metals found in water.

Does your filter measure total dissolved solids? How does it perform against them?

In general, concentration of heavy metals such as Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium, etc. in tap/ground water (excluding sewage, industrial waste water) is only in ppb level (part per billion) and is extremely low compared with concentration of normal minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, etc. in the same source of water which is in ppm level (part per million)
Our activated carbon fiber and ion exchange filter is specifically designed to selectively remove heavy metals while keeps healthy minerals in the water through a complex process: physical adsorption resulting from Van der Waals forces and chemical adsorption where chemical bonds are formed to trap heavy metals in the porous and high surface area of the adsorbent material. In theory, this process can reduce TDS in the water but only in µg/L level which cannot be detected by a normal reading when taking into account the deviation of TDS in raw water (e.g city tap water), accuracy/repeatability of TDS meter & measuring operation.
In general, we caution against the use of TDS as a measure of efficacy and you can read more about why on our recent blog post:

What is the capacity of the filter? How long does it take to fill?

It takes approximately 5 to 6 minutes to filter each batch (filling the filter housing to the top). It takes about 3 fills to get to the bottom of the handle (which is the max fill line). The capacity is 7 cups (approximately 1.66 liters).

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Customer Rating

4.7 out of 5 stars


4.7 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars


4.3 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars


4.2 out of 5 stars



From $49.18






Sold By

Available from these sellers

Amazon Warehouse

pc dynamis

Brappo Store

Amazon Warehouse

Item Dimensions

9.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 inches

4.00 x 3.00 x 8.00 inches

11.00 x 3.00 x 5.50 inches

2.50 x 2.50 x 7.30 inches

1.97 x 3.15 x 9.84 inches

12.00 x 5.00 x 4.00 inches

Pledge US$ 300 or more About US$ 300

4 LifeStraw Home w/ 1 yr of replacements

Get 4 first production LifeStraw Home water filter pitchers each with 1 year of replacement filters. Also receive 4 Special Edition LifeStraw Go water filter bottles so you can have access to clean water at home, and on your next adventure! This pledge provides 28 children with safe water for an entire school year! You are making an impact!


  • LifeStraw Home
  • 20×
    LifeStraw Activated Carbon + Ion Exchange Replacement Filter

  • Special Edition LifeStraw Go water filter bottle
  • 28×
    School child with safe water for a year

Estimated delivery
May 2019

Ships to
Only certain countries

Product description

The award-winning LifeStraw water filter technology has evolved with the addition of a 2-stage filtration system and a sleek, durable steel straw body. In addition to the hollow fiber membrane found in the original LifeStraw personal water filter, which filters out virtually all bacteria and protozoa, the LifeStraw Steel offers the additional benefits of a replaceable activated carbon capsule, which reduces chemicals such as chlorine as well as organic compounds—including pesticides and herbicides—for up to 100 liters. The result is better tasting and odor-free water, straight from the source. Removes a minimum 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria (>log 6 reduction) and surpasses EPA standards for water filters, and removes minimum 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites (>log 3 reduction) and filters to an amazing 0.2 microns. As with the original LifeStraw, the LifeStraw Steel requires no batteries, pumping or waiting, providing quick access to clean water on-the-go from lakes, rivers, and streams. The food-grade stainless steel housing is sturdy and meets FDA standards, and the sleek, portable design makes it ideal for camping, backpacking, and international travel. An essential component of any emergency prepardness or disaster survival kit, no home, car, or bugout bag should be without one. The filtration straw includes a steel cap for extra durability. Membrane filters up to 1,000 liters. Measures 9 x 1 x 1 inches; weighs 4.2 ounces. For each LifeStraw purchased, one child in a developing community receives safe drinking water for an entire school year

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